I wanted to say a special thank you to the Langley Centennial Museum. They provided the time and space for my research. All the primary sources used and secondary materials from Laurence Hopes books The Story of the Life and Times of Charles Edward Hope 1864-1949 Volumes 1 and 2.
You can visit the Langley Centennial Museum in Fort Langley or view some of their collections online.

Langley Centennial Museum
Image Source:
[1] “Japanese Canadians: from Immigration to Deportation,” Library and Archives Canada, Government of Canada, accessed January, 2020,
[2] “Japanese Canadians,” The Canadian Encyclopedia, Ann Sunahara, accessed January, 2020,
[3] “Japanese Canadians: from Immigration to Deportation,” Government of Canada,
[4] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities: Japanese Canadians of the Fraser Valley, 1904-1942,” BC Studies 134 (Summer 2002): 41.
[5] George Hewson, “Remembering the 1907 Vancouver Race Riot,” Discover Nikkei: Japanese Migrants and their Descendants, July 31, 2008,
[6] Julie F. Gilmour, “The Riots Begin” from The Story of the Life and Times of Charles Edward Hope 1864-1949, vol. 2, by Laurence Hope, 517.
[7] “Japanese Canadians,” Ann Sunahara,
[8] “Japanese Canadians,” Ann Sunahara,
[9] “Japanese Canadians,” Ann Sunahara,
[10] Daniel Heidt, “Howard Charles Green and Japanese Canadians,” BC Studies 164 (Winter 2009): 36.
[11] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 52.
[12] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 63.
[13] Daniel Heidt, “Howard Charles Green and Japanese Canadians,” 34.
[14] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 59.
[15] K. Victor Ujimoto, “Contrasts in the Prewar and Postwar Japanese Community in British Columbia: Conflict and Change,” Canadian Review of Sociology 31, no. 1 (February 1976): 81.
[16] K. Victor Ujimoto, “Contrasts in the Prewar and Postwar Japanese Community in British Columbia,” 82.
[17] Naoyuki “Joe” Fukumoto, interview by Warren Sommer, November 11, 1989 (Oral History SR-138, Langley Centennial Museum).
[18] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 48.
[19] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 49.
[20] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 49.
[21] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 54.
[22] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 60.
[23] Naoyuki “Joe” Fukumoto, interview by Warren Sommer, November 11, 1989. (Oral History SR-138, Langley Centennial Museum).
[24] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 60.
[25] Nayuki “Joe” Fukumoto, interview by Warren Sommer, September 21, 2011 (Oral History SR-259.1, Langley Centennial Museum).
[26] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 60.
[27] Naoyuki “Joe” Fukumoto, interview by Warren Sommer, November 11, 1989 (Oral History SR-138, Langley Centennial Museum).
[28] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 48.
[29] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 62.
[30] Naoyuki “Joe” Fukumoto, interview by Warren Sommer, November 11, 1989 (Oral History SR-138, Langley Centennial Museum).
[31] “Farming on Lower Fraser Valley,” in The Story of the Life and Times of Charles Edward Hope 1864-1949, by Laurence Hope, Vol. 2, provided by the Langley Centennial Museum, 177.
[32] Charles E. Hope, “Canada’s Oriental Province,” in The Story of the Life and Times of Charles Edward Hope 1864-1949,” by Laurence Hope, Vol. 2, provided by the Langley Centennial Museum, 521.
[33] Charles E. Hope, “Maclean’s article: ‘British Columbia’s Racial Problem,’” in The Story of the Life and Times of Charles Edward Hope 1864-1949, by Laurence Hope, Vol. 1, provided by the Langley Centennial Museum, 527.
[34] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 42.
[35] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 46.
[36] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 56.
[37] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 56.
[38] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 57.
[39] Naoyuki “Joe” Fukumoto, interview by Warren Sommer, November 11, 1989 (Oral History SR-138, Langley Centennial Museum).
[40] Naoyuki “Joe” Fukumoto, interview by Warren Sommer, November 29, 1992 (Oral History SR-186, Langley Centennial Museum).
[41]Naoyuki “Joe” Fukumoto, interview by Warren Sommer, September 12, 2011 (Oral History SR-259.1, Langley Centennial Museum).
[42] Naoyuki “Joe” Fukumoto, interview by Warren Sommer, September 21, 2011 (Oral History SR-259.2, Langley Centennial Museum).
[43] Alexander Campbell Hope and Mabel Isabel Hope, interview by Don Waite, 1976 (Oral History SR-058, Langley Centennial Museum).
[44] Alexander Campbell Hope and Mabel Isabel Hope, interview by Don Waite, 1976 (Oral History SR-058, Langley Centennial Museum).
[45] Alexander Campbell Hope and Mabel Isabel Hope, interview by Don Waite, 1976 (Oral History SR-058, Langley Centennial Museum).
[46] Alexander Campbell Hope and Mabel Isabel Hope, interview by Don Waite, 1976 (Oral History SR-058, Langley Centennial Museum).
[47] “Meeting Minutes on January 8, 1927,” in the Langley Farmers Institute General Meeting Minutes, from the Langley Centennial Museum.
[48] “Meeting Minutes on May 18, 1929,” in the Langley Farmers Institute General Meeting Minutes (Langley Centennial Museum).
[49] “Meeting Minutes on June 15, 1929,” in the Langley Farmers Institute General Meeting Minutes, (Langley Centennial Museum).
[50] Laurence Hope, “Introduction to ‘Chapter 13: White Canada,’” in The Story of the Life and Times of Charles Edward Hope 1864-1949, Vol. 2, (Langley Centennial Museum), 509.
[51] Laurence Hope, “Introduction to ‘Chapter 13: White Canada,’” in The Story of the Life and Times of Charles Edward Hope 1864-1949, Vol. 2, (Langley Centennial Museum), 509.
[52] Charles E. Hope, “Canada’s Oriental Province,” in The Story of the Life and Times of Charles Edward Hope 1864-1949, Vol 2, (Langley Centennial Museum), 520.
[53] Laurence Hope, “Introduction to ‘Chapter 13: White Canada,’” in The Story of the Life and Times of Charles Edward Hope 1864-1949, Vol. 2, (Langley Centennial Museum), 510.
[54] Charles E. Hope, “British Columbia’s Racial Problem,” Maclean’s, in The Story of the Life and Times of Charles Edward Hope 1864-1949, 524.
[55] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 63.
[56] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 63.
[57] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 66.
[58] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 65.
[59] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 65.
[60] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 69.
[61] Anne Dore, “Transnational Communities,” 69.
[62] “Japanese Canadians,” Ann Sunahara,
[63] Naoyuki “Joe” Fukumoto, interview by Warren Sommer, November 11, 1989 (Oral History SR-138, Langley Centennial Museum).
[64] CBC Digital Archives, “1988: Canadian Government Apologizes to Japanese Canadians for Wartime Internment,” September 22, 1988.
[65] James H. Marsh, “Japanese Canadian Internment: Prisoners in their own Country,” The Canadian Encyclopedia, James H. Marsh, accessed March, 2020,
[66] Naoyuki “Joe” Fukumoto, interview by Warren Sommer, November 29, 1992 (Oral History SR-186, Langley Centennial Museum).
[67] Daniel Heidt, “Howard Charles Green and Japanese Canadians,” 44.
[68] Daniel Heidt, “Howard Charles Green and Japanese Canadians,” 45.
[69] K. Victor Ujimoto, “Contrasts in the Prewar and Postwar Japanese Community in British Columbia,” 82.
[70] “1988: Canadian Government Apologizes to Japanese Canadians for Wartime Internment,” CBC Digital Archives, September 22, 1988,
[71] “1988: Canadian Government Apologizes to Japanese Canadians for Wartime Internment,” CBC Digital Archives,
Primary Sources:
Fukumoto, Naoyuki “Joe”. Interview by Warren Sommer, November 11, 1989. Oral History SR-138, Langley Centennial Museum.
Fukumoto, Naoyuki “Joe”, interview by Warren Sommer, November 29, 1992. Oral History SR-186, Langley Centennial Museum.
Fukumoto, Naoyuki “Joe”, interview by Warren Sommer, September 12, 2011. Oral History SR-259.1, Langley Centennial Museum.
Fukumoto, Naoyuki “Joe”, interview by Warren Sommer, September 12, 2011. Oral History SR-259.2, Langley Centennial Museum.
Hope, Alexander Campbell, and Mabel Isabel Hope, interview by Don Waite, 2011. Oral History SR-058, Langley Centennial Museum.
“Minutes of Supplementary General Meeting on January 8 1927.” By Langley Farmers Institute. Fort Langley: The Langley Centennial Museum.
“Minutes of Supplementary General Meeting on June 15 1929.” By Langley Farmers Institute. Fort Langley: The Langley Centennial Museum.
“Minutes of Supplementary General Meeting on May 18 1929.” By Langley Farmers Institute. Fort Langley: The Langley Centennial Museum.
Secondary Sources
Dore, Anne. “Transnational Communities: Japanese Canadians of the Fraser Valley, 1904-1942.” BC Studies 134 (Summer 2002): 35-70.
Gilmour, Julie F. “The Riot Begins.” In The Story of the Life and Times of Charles Edward Hope 1864-1949, by Laurence Hope, vol. 2, 517-518. Fort Langley: The Langley Centennial Museum.
Government of Canada. “Japanese Canadians: From Immigration to Deportation. Government of Canada.” Library and Archives Canada. Accessed January 2020.
Heidt, Daniel. “Howard Charles Green and Japanese Canadians.” BC Studies 164 (Winter 2009): 31-50.
Hewson, George. “Remembering the 1907 Vancouver Race Riot.” Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre . Accessed March 2020.
Hope, Charles E. “Canada’s Oriental Province.” In The Story of the Life and Times of Charles Edward Hope 1864-1949, by Laurence Hope, 520-525. Fort Langley: The Langley Centennial Museum.
Hope, Charles E. “Maclean’s Article: British Columbia’s Racial Problem.” In The Story of the Life and Times of Charles Edward Hope 1864-1949, by Laurence Hope, vol. 1, 523-527. Fort Langley: The Langley Centennial Museum.
Hope, Laurence. “Chapter 13: White Canada – Introduction.” In The Story of the Life and Times of Charles Edward Hope 1864-1949, by Laurence Hope, vol. 2, 508-510. Fort Langley: The Langley Centennial Museum.
“Farming on Lower Fraser Valley.” In The Story of the Life and Times of Charles Edward Hope, 1864-1949, by Laurence Hope, vol. 2, 176-177. Fort Langley: The Langley Centennial Museum.
Marsh, James H. “Japanese Canadian Internment: Prisoners in Their Own Country.” The Canadian Encyclopedia. Accessed March 2020.
Sunahara, Ann. “Japanese Canadians.” The Canadian Encyclopedia. Accessed January 2020.
Ujimoto, K. Victor. “Contrasts in the Prewar and Postwar Japanese Community in British Columbia: Conflict and Change.” Canadian Review of Sociology 13, no 1 (February 1976): 80-89.
“1988: Government Apologizes to Japanese Canadians.” CBC Digital Archives. Accessed March 2020.